The past two months have been extremely stressful for me. I had plans of writing more, but honestly struggled to let my head above water. So, I am taking an intentional break until September.
In May, I learned that the origination I lead was going to have a major funding shift and that led to many strategy sessions about the best way to move forward. This led to some shifts with our origination to stay missional. At the same time, our team pulled off some pretty amazing things, taking 35 people to Young Life camp and hosting our National Summit here in Birmingham. Needless to say, I am exhausted.
I am going to take the month of August to reset and rest. I plan on starting a new series in September that I’m excited about, but I will wait to reveal the details.
This reset will mean I’m also taking a break from social media. I want to give my heart and mind an opportunity to enjoy the Lord, my family, my work, and nature without constant distractions. I am looking forward to seeking the Lord and finding my pace again in this season of transition.
Feel free to read the articles from earlier this year out to listen to my podcast at
I will post one more episode before the end of this month and will come back with several new episodes to close out the season.
Peace & Rest,
Danny Brister, Jr.